DAILY CALLER: DAVID BOSSIE: Campus Craziness Will Get Worse With A Second Biden Term

There’s an antisemitic and anti-American insurrection taking place on college campuses around the country, and it must be recognized as such and dealt with before it’s too late. The lack of…

DAILY CALLER: DAVID BOSSIE: Trump Is Outmaneuvering Team Biden At Every Turn

Throughout our nation’s history, the American people have always loved underdogs who find a way to fight and win against all odds. Donald Trump is no exception. The sham election interference…

BLOOMBERG LAW: Gun Rights Groups Back Texas’ Invasion Defense at Mexican Border

Gun rights groups have come to the aid of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) in urging a federal appeals court to let Texas defend the US-Mexico border through arrests and removals. A filing Wednesday from…

DAILY CALLER: DAVID BOSSIE: Debates Between Biden And Trump Should Start Now—And There Should Be More Of Them Than Before

Former President Donald Trump, the ultimate political outsider, is running for re-election to rescue America from the failed policies of President Joe Biden and to drain the swamp in Washington, D.C. …

David Bossie Appears on NewsNation


WASHINGTON TIMES: DAVID BOSSIE: Justice Juan Merchan must recuse himself

For nearly 250 years, one of the bedrock principles of our constitutional republic is that our system of justice is blind. It’s one of the ideals that sets America apart and makes us the envy of the…

DAILY CALLER: DAVID BOSSIE: Desperate Politicians Do Desperate Things In Election Years

Desperate politicians do desperate things in an election year and that describes President Joe Biden’s strategy for 2024 perfectly. With only seven months to go until Election Day and just five short…

WASHINGTON TIMES: DAVID BOSSIE: Trump’s electoral map and coalition are expanding

The 2024 presidential election will be an issues-based campaign whether President Biden likes it or not. Mr. Biden can try desperate tactics like taunting former President Donald Trump and foolishly…

BLOOMBERG: Gun Rights Groups Back Texas’ Invasion Defense at Mexican Border

Gun rights groups have come to the aid of Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) in urging a federal appeals court to let Texas defend the US-Mexico border through arrests and removals. A filing Wednesday from…

CU, CUF and TPC File Amicus Brief in U.S. v. Texas

In United States of American v. State of Texas, The Presidential Coalition and its co-amici urge the 5th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals to allow a Texas law that criminalizes illegal entry into Texas across…

DAILY CALLER: DAVID BOSSIE: Even The Justice System Has Caught ‘Trump Derangement Syndrome’

Throughout history, tyrants and strongmen in banana republics around the world have chosen to abuse the massive powers of government to investigate, prosecute, and imprison their political opponents…

WASHINGTON TIMES: DAVID BOSSIE: Blocking impeachment trial would put Schumer’s majority in grave danger

Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer should put playing politics aside and follow Senate precedent by allowing a thorough trial of impeached Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas without…

DAILY CALLER: DAVID BOSSIE: Democrats Are Hitting The Panic Button Over Biden’s Mental Fitness

In 1979, when President Jimmy Carter delivered his infamous “malaise” speech in which he laid out all the daunting challenges facing our nation, the president said that America was suffering from a…

CU, CUF, TPC And Others File SCOTUS Amicus Brief In Fischer v. U.S.

The D.C. Circuit Court’s reinterpretation of Sarbanes-Oxley Section 1512(C)(2) criminalizes activities protected by the 1st Amendment. As newly interpreted by the Biden Administration, Sarbanes-Oxley…