Daily Signal: 3 Different Ways State GOP Lawmakers Are Fighting Sanctuary Cities
All News ArticlesIn states across the country, Republican lawmakers are aiming to combat sanctuary cities and counties, and in some cases banding together to develop new ways to prod local jurisdictions into helping enforce…
Support The Conservative Farm Team At All Levels Of Government!
All News ArticlesThe Presidential Coalition sets goals for 2017-2018.
For over a decade, The Presidential Coalition has been dedicated to growing the conservative “farm team” in America. With the election of Donald…
TPC Mailer For Steve Schuh
All News ArticlesBusinessman Steve Schuh's Plan To Get Us Working Again.
The Presidential Coalition Supports More Maryland “Farm Team” Candidates In September
All News ArticlesThe Presidential Coalition made 14 contributions to conservative candidates in Maryland in September for a total of $16,000. Since 2005, The Presidential Coalition has been dedicated to identifying and…
Cagle Post: Great Day For Religious Liberty
All News ArticlesMonday was a wonderful day for religious liberty and freedom. The Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision in the Burwell v. Hobby Lobby case decided in favor of Hobby Lobby. This corporation was fighting against…
Cagle.com: President Obama, We Found Your 'Smidgen' Of Corruption
All News ArticlesAs if there hasn’t been enough controversy coming out of this Administration’s IRS, the most recent debacle is one for the ages. Last Friday, the IRS put out a statement claiming Lois Lerner’s emails…
Cagle Post: Obama is Throwing Away Iraq
All News ArticlesAs The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) marches ever closer to Baghdad, President Obama hems and haws about what to do as Iraq burns. It is like a bad Hollywood sequel, we saw this play out in Syria…
Cagle.com: Poor Hillary
All News ArticlesOn Monday morning, Hillary Clinton began the much-anticipated start of her next presidential campaign – or as she likes to pretend, rollout of her new book: “Hard Choices.” In an interview with ABC’s…
Cagle.com: The Predictable (And Old) Clinton Playbook
All News ArticlesThis weekend, senior aides to former Obama Secretary of State Hillary Clinton informed a group of Democratic foreign policy experts that they want to “move past” Benghazi, and have developed a messaging…
Cagle.com: America's Seniors Have Earned a Tax Cut
All News ArticlesEvery once in a while, Congress manages to get something right. This is one of those times. The proposed legislation is Senator Rubio’s Let Seniors Work Act of 2014. Current law requires America’s…
Cagle.com: Some Keys To Success For The Gowdy Committee
All News ArticlesThis past Friday, Speaker John Boehner finally made a long overdue announcement, one we at Citizens United have been calling on him to make for over a year: The U.S. House of Representatives will soon…
Cagle Post: Celebrating Freedom In The Live Free Or Die State
All News ArticlesThis past weekend, we were honored to host the inaugural New Hampshire Freedom Summit which, as the New York Times put it, was “a gathering of several hundred put together by two of the most influential…
Cagle Post: The Obamacare Deadline Came and Went, and It is Still Bad for America
All News ArticlesThe March 31st deadline we were told was concrete, that there was no way it would be pushed back and even that they did not have the statutory authority to do so. Through the honor code, those that allegedly…
Cagle Post: Coming to ‘Terms’ with Reality on Capitol Hill
All News ArticlesIt’s no secret here in the United States that Congress is broken and horribly unpopular. Budgets can’t get passed on time, the all-important appropriations process has become non-existent, and the…